Download Drivers Microsoft Office 2007
How to download Microsoft Office Word 2007 for free (install)
Technical documentation is next, and we need your help.
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, you can contribute.
We currently have a major issue using Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010.
The engine comes in 64-bit and 32-bit forms, which is good.
However, apparently you need to always install the 32-bit version if the host process is always 32-bit.
Fine, we can do this.
So, we are under the assumption that the driver must also be installed as 32-bit.
Indeed, when we install 32-bit drivers on a 64-bit machine, and run our 32-bit applications, it works correctly.
However, the problem begins when Download drivers microsoft office 2007 2010 64-bit is installed on the system.
Trust me, we've tried to educate users that 64-bit Office is largely unnecessary, to no avail.
As computers come off the assembly line with 64-bit versions installed, we're unable to keep up with support requests when our software download drivers microsoft office 2007 something.
Either the 64-bit Office breaks our installation, or our installation breaks their Office version, but it's not pretty either way.
A further issue is that non-legacy software will sometimes install the 64-bit drivers as they shouldand the two versions simply do not coexist in any reasonable manner.
Either our software breaks, or their software breaks.
So, has anybody managed to find a way to make the 32-bit drivers coexist with 64-bit installations?
Both are being installed, but once on the system either our software no longer works, or Office constantly repairs its installation.
Is there any reasonable way to make this work?
Painful, to say the least.
Thanks for the tip about ServerFault, will hopefully go there next.
The main reason I started here is that we believe there might be a programming-related solution over a system config issue.
Most sysadmins are happy once you can get both to install, which doesn't fix the actual problem.
In this case the value should not be deleted or renamed.
Since our database is legacy, it merely required Microsoft.
I have 32 bit office on a win 7 64 bit system.
This method did not work for m.
But I am experiencing issue with office 2013, where using access 2007 engine don't work.
We had to install access 2010 32bit run time to make application working with office 2013 x64 — May 27 '15 at 15:31 Exatex, that works, but be aware it will eventually break if another application installs the proper 64bit version, and you'll get all kinds of random errors from it.
There are only two real solutions - upgrade all the components to be properly matched to system 32bit vs 64bitor reduce your database needs to a legacy driver that was only released for 32 bit like ours.
Eventually, some other component is going to clash with your setup otherwise.
A similar approach to Peter Coppins answer.
If it is present, then Office 64-bit seems to be installed and you should not need this workaround.
Maybe a Windows 10 thing.
Source: By posting your answer, you agree to the and.
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Beberapa aplikasi di dalam yang terkenal adalah Excel, Word, dan PowerPoint.
Versi terbaru dari Aplikasi adalah Office 15 Office 2013 yang diluncurkan 29 Januari 2013.
Jadi, bagi anda yang memasukan kata kunci Download Microsoft Word download drivers microsoft office 2007 ditak sepenuhnya salah.
Karena Microsoft Word 2007 terdapat di.
Software ini memang sangat terkenal, bahkan jika anda sekolah, download drivers microsoft office 2007 anda akan menemukan di komputer sekolahan anda.
Tapi menurut saya admin sendiri, ini lah yang sangat baik dibandingkan versi terbarunya.
Alasannya karena lebih sering kita temui di saat mencari Cara menggunakannya, penjelasan shortcutnya dan sebagainya.
Dan juga, lebih mudah untuk dipahami.
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Bisa juga dengan cara berkomentar di bawah.
Berlangganan Via Email Jangan lewatkan setiap postingan terbaru dari Radnanum.
Alhamdulillah bisa, barusan ini saya instal.
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Corrupt file or wrong password.
Corrupt file or wrong password.
Corrupt file or wrong password.
I hope you choose since they are the best online site Besides, they provided genuine keys to me.
Gan ane mau instal gagal terus ada tulisan 'Setup has detected an earlier version of Groove on your system.
Before upgrading to Microsoft Office Groove 2007, uninstall your current version of Groove.
For more information, see the Release Notes included with Groove 2007.
Atau, Blok semua partnya 1-5 terus extract.
Kak mau tanya kalo abis downgrade dr win10 ke win7 kan keinstall ulang ya, trs ms office nya juga hilang.
Mohon bantuannya gan terima kasih gan option filex.
Kalo ga agan bisa download versi terpisah.
Some patches are mandatory and other patches are optional.
For information regarding known issues identified in other patchsets and individual patches, refer to the readme file that accompanies each patchset or patch.
To find out more about those issues and workarounds, see the Oracle Business Intelligence chapter in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Release Notes for 11 g Release 1 11.
To work around this issue, users must use Oracle WebLogic based authentication.
To work around this issue, ensure that a valid connect string is present in the tnsnames.
For instructions, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
Users must have Adobe Flash Player version 10.
Users can obtain information about the version of the Adobe Flash Player that is running on their browser by going to.
This behavior is described in Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition E10540-02.
If you use this authentication and if you configure the full-text catalog search with the Active Directory plug-in and the Oracle Fusion data source, then the full-text catalog search returns no search results.
To work around this issue when you use Secure Enterprise Search Version 11.
This issue has no workaround.
To work around this issue, use Fusion Middleware Control to monitor the status of data load operations.
This email contains a link that you can click to stop the data load.
This issue can occur if the catalog is large or has a deep folder structure.
Ensure that each agent has its own 'Start Location' and 'Exclude Paths' values.
This issue has no workaround.
Due to instability that might be encountered, the Turkish and Thai locales are not supported on the server side.
Oracle Business Intelligence does support Turkish and Thai locales as clients.
The first option is the default subtype for the new graph type.
This issue has no workaround.
To work around this issue, do not use these characters in folder names.
The correct text appears in this section.
If you enable compatibility for shared tokens, do not select Shared logon in the connection pool.
Note that the Oracle Business Intelligence user and the Enterprise Performance Management user must use the same identity store.
Creating Basic Components Basic Components Created All tasks successfully completed.
Note that the Oracle Business Intelligence user and the Enterprise Performance Management user must use the same identity store.
Note: For Oracle Business Intelligence Release 11.
See for more information about downloading patches.
You should also select the Virtual Private Database option in the corresponding database object to protect cache entries.
You should also select the Virtual Private Database option in the corresponding database object to protect cache entries.
After applying the patch, the following warnings are hidden by default: 39009, 39054, 39055, 39057, and 39059.
See for more information about downloading patches.
You can also add additional warnings to the exclusion list in the Consistency Check Warnings dialog.
You can only exclude warnings from the Consistency Check Manager.
The new warnings are displayed in the Consistency Check Warnings dialog and are selected by default, meaning that those warnings are excluded from consistency checks.
The fact that the messages are garbled does not affect the correct running of the system.
This issue has no workaround.
Removing these folders has an impact during runtime, therefore ensure that you understand the impact before moving or removing the folders.
These links no longer function when the Tools directory is removed.
However, the dashboard page state is maintained including navigating within an analysis on a dashboard page.
This variable is helpful, for example, to control dashboard section visibility by changing what content gets displayed, depending on whether the user is running in regular mode or accessibility mode.
These enhancements have been described in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition E10544-06.
See for more information about downloading patches.
Workaround Use Native characters to specify a Name and Description.
For example, if ApplicationRole 1 has permission to access Column A, which is part of Table B, then ApplicationRole1 must also have permission to access Table B.
See for more information about downloading patches.
Customers should check the availability of a patch for this issue on their installation platform before continuing to upgrade to 11.
The error occurs if you attempt download drivers microsoft office 2007 save a Financial Reporting snapshot report into a folder that already contains a dynamic report with the same name.
To work around this issue, either save the snapshot report download drivers microsoft office 2007 a different name, or rename the dynamic report.
Because the compromised user experience is expected behavior for which there is no workaround, using the tools in touchscreen environments is not supported.
You must configure your installation to use the DataDirect 7.
If your environment includes Oracle Essbase, then you need to perform additional DataDirect configurations steps, as described in 1.
See 'Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information about stopping all services.
Note the syntax and options.
You can specify -h to display usage.
See 'Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information about restarting all services.
If you used the DataDirect Configuration script, as described in then you do not need to perform the manual configuration.
See 'Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information about stopping all services.
Update this variable to include the DataDirect 7.
See 'Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition for information about restarting all services.
This additional configuration requires you to modify the essbase.
This patch includes a number of post-install instructions.
The instructions include the creation of a new java Demo Identity keystore.
The post install instructions also add an extra Weblogic system property: -Dweblogic.
It is also important to enable trust between code running in weblogic servers by adding the following weblogic startup option to the setDomainEnv.
Ignore all references in the documentation to Windows 32-bit environments.
This stops the WebLogic Server automatic connection testing from functioning.
For example, if the database stops, WebLogic Server does not recognize a hanging or invalid connection.
All computers must have the same operating system patch level.
This constraint continues to apply to later releases and has been added to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.
This action ensures correct patching functionality.
This is displayed as a red cross in the tree on the left-hand side of the installer.
The workaround is to run the installation and configuration steps with the Run as Administrator option.
Prepare Session failed You may not have enough space on your drive for a successful install.
Do you still want to continue?
To avoid this issue when installing Oracle Business Intelligence on a shared drive, start the Oracle Business Intelligence installer from the command line using the ignoreDiskWarning option.
For example, on Linux, use the following command:.
In such systems, issues occur if multibyte data is used.
If multibyte data is used, scheduled jobs might fail.
You can resolve this issue by changing the permission settings on the bifoundation folder.
This folder can be found in the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client installation directory.
The Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog window opens.
To work around this issue, specify the range in opmn.
You can click Yes to safely proceed with the installation.
This happens because users do not have privileges to create temporary directories.
To avoid this issue you must change the install path if it contains any multi-byte characters.
If the Adobe Flash Player is not installed already, go to and follow the instructions to download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player for the platform.
To obtain the fix, go to www.
The workaround is to implement a software only installation of Oracle Business Intelligence and follow the instructions in section 4.
This might cause a change in the conditional formatting after upgrading from Oracle Business Intelligence Release 10 g to Release 11 g.
If the Value Suppression setting is set to Repeat, then the measure column that the conditional format is based on always uses the detail grain of the table view, in which case the conditional formatting works as expected.
This issue continues to apply to later releases and has been added to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.
If you see this error message, then you must likely increase the heap size for the JavaHost service.
Depending on the available memory on the computer, you might want to increase the heap size for the JavaHost service using the procedure that is described in Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.
For example, the Managed Server might not start or might time out.
Ensure that you do not edit the similarly named setDomainEnv.
Note that this is not an issue for Release 11.
ExecuteThread: '1' for queue: 'weblogic.
The workaround is to manually remove a number of files from the MapViewer deployment and to delete the WebLogic internal cache of the MapViewer application.
A table in the right pane displays all deployed Enterprise Applications and Application Modules.
It is common in a 10 g catalog for administrative privileges to be assigned to a catalog group called 'Presentation Server Administrators'.
However, the upgrade will not automatically grant this catalog group to any users.
You may therefore find that your administrators do not initially have access to the Presentation Services administrative functionality.
The workaround is to manually create the users or groups.
Note that the new names must not contain invalid characters under any circumstances.
Failure to follow this instruction requires you to re-install Oracle Business Intelligence.
The upgrade utility might run to completion, but with error messages, and users cannot log on if you try to run the system using the upgraded repository.
You can therefore ignore the error message.
For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
For more information, see 'Starting and Stopping Oracle Business Intelligence' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.
For more information, see 'Running the Configuration Assistant to Update the Domain' in Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence.
Oracle Business Intelligence Server is a 64-bit system on 64-bit platforms.
For details, refer to Section 4.
Select the Software Only Install type instead.
For details, refer to Section 4.
The workaround is to use Catalog Manager to rename the column in the catalog.
This behavior is described in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition E10544-04.
The workaround is to edit the gauge view and change the Legend position to Right, Top, or Bottom.
Alternatively, you can increase the size of the gauge view canvas so that all gauges display.
The workaround is to modify the obiprp.
For information on how to restart the Managed Servers, the Administration Server and all Oracle Business Intelligence Java components, and the Oracle Business Intelligence system components, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
The workaround is to exit and reopen the dashboard page.
Alternatively, press and hold down the Ctrl key and then left-click.
The workaround is to scroll down the page and wait until all the diagrams have fully rendered before printing.
This feature allows you to pan the map to a point where lines on the map are unbroken, such as when showing an airline flight path from San Francisco to Tokyo.
If you use this feature, then you might notice that the portion of the map that has been wrapped might not render correctly when printing or exporting the view.
This issue has no workaround.
To work around this issue, either directly delete the tile layer from the database, or delete it using the Map Builder tool.
Find the version number at the bottom-left corner of the page.
Small form-factor graphs are also referred to as micrographs.
Doing so might result in undesirable graph behavior or loss of information.
This issue has no workaround.
You may need to try different combinations depending on your particular scenario.
This issue has no workaround.
This behavior is described in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition E10544-08.
If this occurs, you will see a Microsoft Office Excel message similar to the following when opening the downloaded spreadsheet: Excel found unreadable content in '20520402.
Do you want to recover the contents of this Workbook?
If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
You can open the spreadsheet by clicking Yes.
You use the Freeze Column option in the Column Properties menu to freeze a column at an edge top or left of a dashboard layout.
For more information, see 'Properties Buttons for Objects' in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
You specify a fixed size by setting the Size option in the Additional Formatting Options area of the Section Properties dialog and the Column Properties dialog.
For more information, see 'Section Properties dialog' in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
You specify fixed headers by selecting Fixed headers with scrolling content as the method to use to browse data.
For more information, see 'Table Properties dialog: Style tab,' 'Pivot Table Properties dialog,' and 'Trellis Properties dialog: General tab' in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
To see the updated data, the user must manually refresh the dashboard.
Check these release notes periodically for additional information and updates.
This feature is not yet documented in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, nor in the online help.
For information and instructions, see Technical Note 1941315.
Make this Technical Note available to all users who might want to use the new functionality.
To work around this issue, change the -Djava.
This is the addition to make: -Djava.
This means that if the defined location for -Djava.
For more information, including workarounds, see technical note 1989467.
The PersistPageState parameter described in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition has been deprecated.
You can set advanced page properties to specify incoming navigation parameters you want to set on the current dashboard page.
This enables you to control how parameters associated with the navigation actions are applied.
For example, if a navigation link includes a prompt value, then you can choose the context of the incoming navigation link to be applied to all pages associated with a dashboard or limit the scope of the context of incoming navigation link to the landing page.
The Advanced Page Properties dialog is displayed.
The privileges listed in are displayed in the Presentation Services, Manage Privileges page.
Descriptions of these privileges need to be included in table D-1 'Privileges and Default Settings for the Oracle Business Intelligence Infrastructure' in Appendix D 'Managing Security for Dashboards and Analyses' in Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Table 1-2 Presentation Services Privileges Descriptions Needed Component Privilege Description Default Role Granted Home and Header Access Administration Menu Reserved for a future release.
In 10 g the bars render from top to bottom, but in 11.
This new behavior is only visible when the legend is positioned at the top or the bottom.
The legend marker colors continue to match the corresponding bar colors.
If you do not backup and reinstate the file, then it will be replaced with a default file and you will lose your custom JavaScript functions.
This behavior is described in Oracle Fusion Middleware Integrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition E16364-08.
Currently, the full-text catalog search functionality searches in scorecards themselves and in the names of related documents, but it does not search in the content of related documents for scorecards.
To do so, set the following in the instanceconfig.
The workaround for this issue is to update the Flash player to version 11.
Refer to for additional information.
The workaround is to set the priority of the agent so that it does not match an existing delivery profile.
While you can continue to download Oracle Business Intelligence Add-in for Microsoft Office to integrate with Microsoft Office, it is strongly recommended that you download Smart View instead.
If you do not, you might encounter file interchangeability issues between Microsoft Office 2007 and Microsoft Office 2003.
If you create a connection in Excel, then that connection is also available in PowerPoint.
The workaround to create a connection to be shared between Excel and PowerPoint is to ensure that the other Microsoft Office application is closed.
Alternatively, you can close both Excel and PowerPoint, and reopen them as needed in order to see connections available in both Excel and PowerPoint.
The correct instruction for Step 1 is 'From the Ribbon, select Preferences.
From Preferences, select the New tab.
This applies to Excel and PowerPoint.
To work around this issue, ensure that double columns are not in the page edge also called table prompt in table views and the pivot prompt in pivot table views.
The workaround is to not use measure columns in the section edge or page edge.
This happens because the default Microsoft graph engine, which governs these graphs, does not display negative values.
This happens because Microsoft does not support scatter graphs with lines.
Views that use the 'before' location to show column-level grand totals return errors when they are inserted into Microsoft PowerPoint.
The workaround is to use the 'after' location instead.
In horizontal bar graphs, the horizontal-axis series might be displayed in reverse order.
In stacked graphs, the stack order might be reversed.
This is caused by the Microsoft graph engine.
This issue has no workaround.
The expected behavior is to display the help system in English.
The error message might be displayed if the current workbook or worksheet is protected.
The workaround is, for table views and pivot table views, to move the columns from the section edge into the row edge or page edge.
Alternatively, for table views only, use the 'Insert As List' command to obtain all the data.
The information in Support Note 1963081.
For the most current list of supported data sources, refer to the 'System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Enterprise Edition 11gR1.
To work around this problem using Internet Explorer 8: On the Tools menu select Compatibility View Settings; clear the 'Display intranet sites in Compatibility View' check box.
Or, use another supported Web browser.
Enter the same connection information and click Apply.
For information on setting report properties see 'Configuring Report Properties' in.
The behavior varies depending on the Web browser.
Wait for WebLogic Server to pick up the changes.
Otherwise, functions such as sum generate values that cannot be formatted with its number format functions.
To work around this problem, in the script startWebLogic.
For example, a search on all types of catalog items using 'Salary' might show well over 100 results on the first page of the search results, even though there are far fewer actual results.
To find the correct set of results, click the Next button at the bottom of the Result page, then page through the results to find the item that you want.
To work around this issue, users can schedule report jobs by using the 'New' menu from the global header or by selecting 'Report Job' under the Create section on the Home page.
Alternatively, if an application role is granted the oracle.
To work around this issue, update the Adobe Flash player to version 11.
To obtain information about the version of the Adobe Flash Player that is running on the browser go to.
When you navigate back to the Home page, the reports have been added to the Favorites region.
To work around this issue, use the Manage Favorites function in the Home page and drag and drop the report to the Favorites region.
The Excel Analyzer and Online Analyzer are not included in 11.
You can download the driver from: As of this writing the current version is 5.
Reports and data models that previously ran without error may fail if they generate data that exceeds these new limits introduced into your system.
Before you edit these settings, review '' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to understand the impact to your system.
Some of the memory guard properties can also be set at the Data Model level during data model design.
See '' in Oracle Fusion Middleware Data Modeling Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
If the Administrator Username entered is not one of the supported options, then scheduled jobs fail with an impersonation error.
There are no known issues at this time.
To work around this issue, do not use multibyte characters in the Schedule Report Job submission page.
To edit the existing schedule job you locate the job in the Manage Report Jobs page and click Edit.
Then in the Schedule Report Job page you make the changes and click Submit.
If you then immediately make additional edits and click Submit as New to create the new job the job that you just edited is no longer displayed in the Manage Report Jobs page.
To work around this issue: After editing the existing job and clicking Submit, then click Return.
Choose the job again for editing, make your edits, and then click Submit as New to create the new job.
Therefore, expressions that worked in 10 g might not work in 11 g.
In 11 g, to perform a calculation on these functions, you must convert them into a number data type as follows: number xdoxslt:minimum.
However, if accessing the report via the Safari browser, the parameters are displayed.
The presence of Microsoft Office Live Add-in might cause errors when attempting to install the Template Builder or other unexpected behavior.
To work around this issue, uninstall Microsoft Office Live Add-in.
Support for 32-bit Windows platform is only available at this time.
Excel Analyzer is not included in Release 11.
To work around this issue, use these tools on another supported version of Microsoft Office.
This might cause the report to fail with the following error if the default output format for the default layout is not one of the output formats allowed for the selected layout: The report cannot be rendered because of an error, please contact the administrator.
DataException: Invalid format requested: html 1.
The new interactive viewer engine introduced in 11.
The new engine does not display any data for these values.
To work around this issue: In most cases switching to the backwards compatibility mode enables the interactive viewer to render the data.
To switch to backwards compatibility mode: Choose Edit Report and then click Properties.
On the Properties dialog, click the Formatting tab and scroll down to the All Outputs group.
In the interactive viewer, data aggregation functions return an incorrect value when the base data set is not a single, flat data set.
To work around this issue: Switch to the backwards compatibility to render the correct results.
To switch to backwards compatibility mode: Choose Edit Report and then click Properties.
On the Properties dialog, click the Formatting tab and scroll down to the All Outputs group.
The upgraded data model when seen in the data model editor will not show diagram, data structure and the equivalent code for the data structure.
Moreover, the developer or administrator cannot edit the data structure.
The following warning is displayed: 'Adding this type of Data Set may break layouts that refer to this data model.
The following warning is displayed: 'This item is set as main dataset.
Do you want to delete this item?
If you attempt to edit them, then they cease to work.
Data models in 10 g that include stored procedures cannot be upgraded to 11 g.
Fixes for both these issues are planned for a future release.
To work around this issue, you must delete the data set and recreate it.
If a sheet name in the Excel workbook includes an ampersand, when you attempt to load the workbook the sheet name list might appear empty or you might encounter an error when you attempt to upload the file.
To work around this issue, rename the sheet without the ampersand character.
For more information, see 1.
If you choose to disable bursting by clearing the Enable Bursting check box, the check box is still displayed as enabled the next time that you open the Report Properties dialog.
However, the actual state of the check box is disabled.
You can verify the state by creating a schedule job for the report.
If this option is not visible, then the property is disabled.
The description of these properties in the 'Setting Report Processing and Output Document Properties' chapter incorrectly states that the value of each property must be the path to the profile data file.
For more information, see the article at.
Profile data is also available from Adobe or colormanagement.
Choose the appropriate value for the intended printing environment.
The topic is instead found in the.
There are no known issues at this time.
Because of this, when paint.
You can find the full version of SampleApp.
This might cause inconsistent sort order for time dimensions, because the primary level key is used for the sort rather than the chronological key.
To work around this issue, specify the same column used for the chronological key as the primary level key.
Connection pool passwords are encrypted and stored inside the encrypted repository file.
See for more information about downloading patches.
This file contains the connection pool names from the specified repository.
Then, enter the repository password when prompted.
If you change the text to the left of the equals sign, then the syntax for the connection pool names is incorrect.
Save and close the password file when your edits are complete.
Then, enter the repository password when prompted.
Instead, either delete the input password file completely, or encrypt it so that it cannot be viewed.
Upon successful deployment, biadminservlet is displayed in the Deployments table.
See for more information about downloading patches.
Confirm that you want to make changes to the registry.
This file enables the servlet in the Administration Tool.
If the Administration Tool is open, you must restart it after performing this step.
The name of the servlet is services.
If you receive an import error, then check the status of the servlet in the Administration Console.
You can also refer to the Administration Server diagnostic log and the Domain log.
If the repository uses TimesTen Release 11.
If this element is missing, the default is every 10 seconds.
If explicitly set, it will flush to disk every N seconds, 10 in this example.
Enabling background flushing speeds up creation of aggregates, by avoiding a large blocking flush at the end of the aggregate creation process.
This loss of metadata can cause errors during subsequent aggregate persistence operations against the repository.
To avoid this issue, remove the aggregate tables from both the metadata and back-end databases using the Delete aggregates specification before performing repository merges.
See for more information about using the delete aggregates specification.
If this occurs, open nqquery.
This operation has Timed Out.
To work around this issue, perform the steps as described for each use case.
See in for more information on deleting aggregates.
When asked to check Global Consistency, select No.
When asked to check Global Consistency, select No.
See in for more information on deleting aggregates.
There is no workaround for this issue.
Oracle does not recommend joining Essbase to relational sources in logical table sources unless absolutely necessary.
The workaround is to apply a Windows patch bundle for Oracle Database Client 11.
This option is displayed in error and should not be used.
This can lead to repository corruption.
The workaround is to check out all objects before performing the import in online mode.
To check out all objects, from the menu bar, select Tools, then select Check Out All.
These warnings should be ignored.
This option must be selected for the root member for parent-child hierarchies also called value-based hierarchies to work correctly.
Alternatively, you can download and apply patch 12897870 as an alternative to manually setting the Nullable option.
See for more information about downloading patches.
After performing this task, the icons are displayed properly.
You can find the appropriate redistributable package for your system at the following link: Alternatively, you can search based on the package title.
For security reasons, you should only download redistributable packages from the Microsoft Web site.
The corruption manifests itself as crashes during consistency checks and when certain utilities are run, such as extractprojects.
To resolve this issue, download and apply patch 13560202.
See for more information about downloading patches.
The text of the error message is missing.
This problem happens because the Oracle Business Intelligence client installer does not install the error message file for Summary Advisor.
This problem does not occur in full Oracle Business Intelligence installations on Windows.
Use the Administration Tool that is included with the full installation.
After these elements are configured correctly, Summary Advisor functions normally.
When the developer publishes the changes, the existing Dimension object is overwritten with the newly created Dimension object.
The correct behavior is for the system to publish a new Dimension object with ' 1' appended to the name.
There is no workaround for this issue.
There are no known issues at this time.
If you as the system administrator have made changes to this file, you need to reenter the changes in the new currencies.
Oracle recommends that instead of modifying currencies.
To change the user interface to use the Alta style, edit the instanceconfig.
To ensure that a custom.
This stops other css-files opened after custom.
For example, if you change the background-color on the masterBrandingArea class from black to a light grey and the text color from white to black.
The branding area appears light grey for login, Home, Catalog, Analysis and logoff, but for Dashboards, the branding area is still black with white text.
To retain the custom settings for Dashboards you add the word!
These issues are described in in.
Note: If you are experiencing security-related issues after upgrading from an earlier release, then also refer to.
There are no known issues at this time.
For more information, see 'Introduction to Using Oracle Essbase and Associated Components in Oracle Business Intelligence' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
On Windows, the default path when installing Java is into the Program Files folder.
This location causes an issue for Essbase installed with Oracle Business Intelligence due to the spaces in the folder name.
Replace with the path to the Oracle Instant Client.
To work around this issue, close and reopen the Dashboards tab in Workspace.
To use these drivers you must manually edit the associated odbc.
There are two possible workarounds.
There are no known issues at this time.
There are no known issues at this time.
The scheduler does not support supplementary characters in input fields such as e-mail subject and message fields.
If the database table and column names already include supplementary characters, then you cannot use the data model editor to retrieve the data from these.
You might find that the content of these log files is not displayed correctly in the Diagnostic Log table and in tooltips in Fusion Middleware Control.
To work around this issue, enter the following property for logreader in the component-logs.
This issue has no workaround.
Add the following to the value attribute: -Duser.
At runtime, the proper locale is displayed in the Report Viewer.
When you add a date column to the x-axis, the raw data is displayed in the chart that is, no format is applied at all.
At run time, the date does respect the report locale for output types other than interactive and PowerPoint.
To work around this issue, at Step 2 of the Report Creation Wizard, select Use Report Editor to bypass the Select Columns step.
To work around this issue, install a font that does support the required emphasis for example, the bold Japanese font Meiryo Bold meiryob.
For more information about font mapping, see '' in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Report Designer's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher.
There are no known issues at this time.
There are no known issues at this time.
Rather, 32-bit versions of the Oracle Business Intelligence xxx Installer install 32-bit versions of the client tools, while 64-bit versions of the Oracle Business Intelligence xxx Installer install 64-bit versions of the client tools.
Rather, it installs just two client tools—the Oracle Business Intelligence Administration Tool and Oracle Business Intelligence Job Manager.
It does not install the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog Manager.
Only the Windows version of the Oracle Business Intelligence xxx Installer installs all three client tools.
Therefore, if you want or require the Oracle Business Intelligence Catalog Manager, you must install the client tools using the Oracle Business Intelligence xxx Installer, and not the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Plus Client Installer.
This lack of support has been lifted and the script can be used in this case.
Therefore, these mentions must be removed from the guide.
The seventh point in the list is to ensure that the database is not hardened for security purposes as installing Oracle Business Intelligence against a hardened database is no supported, which is incorrect.
The point should read as follows: Oracle does not support installing Oracle Business Intelligence against a hardened database.
You can, however, harden the database after you install Oracle Business Intelligence.
The third line of the second bullet point states that this version of Oracle Business Intelligence supports both Oracle Weblogic Server 10.
One row in the table describes a change to the aggregate rule for running aggregates after upgrade.
This is incorrect as 11 g does not support database authentication using nqsconfig.
Step 2 should read as follows: If you configured the nqsconfig.
When viewing an Answers report or a dashboard page, tap the Email icon to launch an e-mail window; a link to the Answers report or Dashboard is then embedded in the body of the e-mail.
On the iPhone, tap the Actions icon to access the Email icon.
This feature works only if you have set up an e-mail account on the iPhone or iPad device.
When you tap the Catalog icon in the Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile application on the iPad or iPhone, you see two tabs at the top of the screen: a Catalog tab and a Dashboards tab.
Tap the Dashboards tab to display a list of top-level dashboards you have access to.
The default value is Visible.
Various sections of Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition include mention of Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office.
All mentions of Smart View must be ignored, as described in 1.
The following additional information is available for the topic 'What Are Subject Areas and Columns?
However, when you combine columns and dimensions from multiple subject areas, you must ensure that you do not include combinations of columns and dimensions that are incompatible with one another.
For example, a column in one subject area might not be dimensioned by Project.
The 'How Will Prompts Created in Previous Versions Be Upgraded?
This topic should instead reference the Choice List Value field.
The revised paragraph should read as follows: The Choice List Value field located in the 'New Prompt dialog' is set by default to 120 pixels.
Information that describes the Prompt Buttons field is missing from the 'Edit Page Settings dialog' topic.
The following paragraph includes information about the field: Prompt Buttons Use this field to specify if you want the Apply and Reset buttons to display beside the prompt field or above the prompt field.
In the 'How Will Prompts Created in Previous Versions Be Upgraded?
The default pixel value is 120, not 250.
In Appendix E, 'User Interface Reference,' the default pixel value specified for the Choice List Width field in the 'New Prompt dialog' topic and for the Set width of all prompts to field in the 'Edit Page Settings' dialog is incorrect.
The default pixel value is 120, not 250.
This Note, which is included in the bullet that describes the Invoke a Browser Script action, is in error.
The 'New Filter dialog' topic requires the following corrections: The topic states that if the repository is configured for double columns, then you can specify to display code values if you use the 'is between' operator.
You cannot display or select code values nor can you filter by code values with the 'is between' operator.
You can display, select, and filter by only display values with that operator.
The topic includes mention of the Select by Code Column and Filter by Code Column fields.
These fields are not available with the 'is between' operator.
This feature is not currently available.
This issue is fixed in Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition E10544-04.
For more information on restarting the Oracle WebLogic Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.
For more information on restarting Oracle Business Intelligence, see Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Also note that in release 11.
The sections 'What Are Target Settings?
You can use the wildcard character to search for objects.
As a result, when Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser version 7 or 8 is detected, the table or pivot table is rendered using paging controls instead, unless the administrator specifically allows the scrolling method to be used with these browser versions.
For information on allowing the scrolling method, see 'Manually Configuring to Allow the Scrolling Method to Be Used in Microsoft's Internet Explorer Browser Version 7 or 8' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
Instead, the Note should read as follows: Note: The scrolling method is not supported or thoroughly tested in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser version 8.
As a result, when Microsoft's Internet Explorer's browser version 8 is detected, the table or pivot table is rendered using paging controls instead.
Also, the scrolling method is not supported on Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser version 7 and, if this version is detected, the table or pivot table is rendered using paging controls.
The 'Adding Actions to Analyses' topic in Chapter 10 and 'Column Properties dialog: Interactions tab' topic in Appendix E, 'User Interface Reference' omitted information regarding the Enable on Totals check box for action links.
The description should be: 'Select the Enable on Totals check box when your analysis contains a total or grand total, and the associated attribute or measure column contains an action link or a conditional action link and you want the action link or conditional action link to be applied to both the column and the total or grand total.
This does not apply to column heading action links and by default, this behavior is turned off.
The 'What Is the Syntax for Referencing Variables?
Note that the format is not applied to the default value.
You must specify the scope when a variable is used at multiple levels analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards and you want to access a specific value.
If you do not specify the scope, then the order of precedence is analyses, dashboard pages, and dashboards.
Note: When using a dashboard prompt with a presentation variable that can have multiple values, the syntax differs depending on the column type.
Multiple values are formatted into comma-separated values and therefore, any format clause is applied to each value before being joined by commas.
When using a dashboard prompt with a presentation variable that can have multiple values, the syntax differs depending on the column type.
Do not use other client versions.
You do not typically need to make manual changes to opmn.
You must then update bi-init.
The following section should have appeared in the topic 'Performing Data Source Preconfiguration Tasks' in Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition: Setting Up Teradata Data Sources To use Teradata as a data source for Oracle Business Intelligence on Windows systems, you must manually edit opmn.
Replace the example values with the installed location for the Teradata client:.
To determine the correct 8.
Note the following changes for warnings 39009 and 39059 in Release 11.
This warning no longer occurs due to underlying changes in the code.
This means that either no join exists at all, or it does exist but is potentially invalid because it connects a higher-level fact source to a lower-level dimensional source.
Such joins are potentially invalid because if followed, they might lead to double counting in query answers.
For example, consider Select year, yearlySales.
Even if a join exists between monthTable and yearlySales table on yearId, it should not be used because such a join would overstate the results by a factor of 12 the number of months in each year.
If you get a 39059 warning after upgrade, verify that the join is as intended and does not result in incorrect double counting.
If the join is as intended, then ignore the 39059 warning.
Note the following changes to this list.
These changes apply to Release 11.
Both of the given validation rules are related to the same issue.
The warning brings this issue to the repository developer's attention in case the default behavior is not desired.
This additional information applies when you authenticate against Essbase or Hyperion Financial Management data sources using a shared token.
For example, follow these steps to manually update a repository named master.
To import from either of these data sources in offline mode, the Administration Tool must point to the location of a running JavaHost.
Use either the Administrator or Runtime client install option.
If you are running a 32-bit Administration Tool, you must install the 32-bit Oracle Database Client.
If you are running a 64-bit Administration Tool, you must install the 64-bit Oracle Database Client.
Instead, the connection pool is blacklisted and subsequent initialization blocks for that connection pool are skipped.
Instead, the master repository is locked during the Publish to Network step.
This change reduces the total time that the master repository is locked to avoid lock contention issues.
With this change, the publish step now checks that no other developer published changes to the master between the time you merged local changes and the time you published to network.
Because of this change, you must always merge all local changes before publishing to the network.
Otherwise, you might lose any changes that you made between merge and publish if a rollback becomes necessary for a merge redo.
The description for the Map to Logical Model and Publish to Warehouse screens of the Import Metadata Wizard in the Administration Tool states that these screens are reserved for a future release.
This is no longer correct.
Instead, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Metadata Repository Builder's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Oracle Fusion Applications Edition in the Oracle Fusion Applications Technology Library for information about these screens.
All mentions of Smart View must be ignored, as described in 1.
The following additional information is available for Chapter 3, 'Setting Up and Using the Multiuser Development Environment:' In previous releases, objects that were part of the master repository, but that did not belong to a currently checked-out project, could be added between the merge and publish steps, because the entire repository was locked until publishing was complete.
Now that the merge and publish steps are combined in a single Publish to Network step, you must explicitly check out a project that contains the desired object to add it to the currently open project.
For example, suppose that you want to add fact table 'A' that is part of project 'Other Project' to your own project, 'My Project.
The next time that you check out 'My Project', the fact table is part of the repository subset.
In the section 'About Aggregate Persistence Errors,' the following incorrect statement is displayed: 'If there is an error in the creation of any aggregate, then the entire aggregate request is terminated and subsequent aggregates are not created.
Aggregates that are already created and checked in remain checked in.
Check the log files to identify failed aggregates.
To identify the aggregate metadata, you can query the repository using the IsSystemGenerated filter for physical tables and logical table sources.
See 'Querying the Repository' for more information.
In particular, use this technique to remove any orphan aggregate dimensions those not joined to any other fact table.
Summary Advisor issues count queries to the back-end data sources to obtain these row counts, which can sometimes take a long time to execute.
Selecting this option enables Summary Advisor to use cardinality estimates that originate out of the database query optimizer also known as the Explain query plan whenever possible, rather than issuing actual count queries.
This feature is only available for Oracle Database data sources.
In addition, for Summary Advisor to use database query optimizer estimates, the statistics on the concerned database objects must be available and up-to-date.
Therefore, in the section 'About Permission Inheritance for Users and Application Roles,' the following incomplete statement is displayed: 'If there are multiple application roles acting on a user or application role at the same level with conflicting security attributes, the user or application role is granted the least restrictive security attribute.
However, Oracle now requires that the application role with access to an object also have access to the object's container.
For example, if ApplicationRole 1 has permission to access Column A, which is part of Table B, then ApplicationRole1 must also have permission to access Table B.
The correct Bristlecone Web site where you can find the adapter is.
These requirements are incorrect and must be ignored.
For the correct information, see 1.
The section 'Creating Aggregates on Essbase Sources' must be ignored.
If you are using an Oracle Database data connection with native gateways, you do not need to edit the user.
Note if you edit the user.
See Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence for information about running the Repository Creation Utility.
The guide includes four sections that contain code examples to show how to edit the instanceconfig.
In these examples, the ps: prefix is included before element names, which is unnecessary.
The guide must be updated to not include the string 'ps:' in tags, and the Catalog element should begin with the tag.
When you specify values, you must ensure that you specify the appropriate case for the letters.
All Boolean values must be lowercase.
In the guide, Boolean values are sometimes shown with an initial capital letter.
The guide must be updated to ensure that all Boolean values are presented in all lowercase.
The steps are described in this section.
It is incompatible with Essbase and associated components release 11.
Complete and correct information is provided in Section 17.
The updated section is available at the following location: 1.
The step includes an incorrect line for Secure Enterprise Search 11.
Chapter 19, 'Configuring and Managing Analyses and Dashboards' of the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Release 11.
Chapter 20, 'Configuring Advanced Options for Mapping and Spatial Information,' includes descriptions of the MaxColumns element.
This element is not supported.
If this element is included in the instanceconfig.
Appendix E in the Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, Release 11.
The correct parent element of QueryManager is missing for CaseInsensitiveMode.
The proper syntax is as follows: false 1.
Each object in the catalog is stored in its own file.
For example, an analysis called Analysis 1 is stored in a file named Analysis1.
The object name that is visible to users, such as Analysis 1, is referred to as the logical object name.
Use care when building a catalog path.
The catalog is designed to scale to thousands of concurrent users.
In Release 11 g, each user is constantly and automatically updating his or her Most Recently Used file, but each user's 'read' operations still far outweigh the user's 'writes' operations.
Therefore, the read-to-write ratio is typically at least 100 to 1.
A feature called 'lazy locking' allows users to continue reading an object even when another user is updating that object.
Therefore, it is good practice to keep files in the catalog 'small,' especially the frequently 'read'.
When these metadata files remain small, then all the.
Every file that exceeds the 'small' threshold adds another physical hard disk read, which can cause a 100% degradation for each large file.
In other words, use care when considering storing arbitrary 'Properties' in.
For this reason, Presentation Services additionally caches all.
This cache can become briefly 'stale' when another node in the cluster writes data to the file that is newer than the data that is cached by the current node.
Therefore, all nodes are refreshed as per the MaxAgeMinutes element in the instanceconfig.
This default setting commonly achieves the best trade-off between the possibility of stale data and the known performance impact.
The default for an environment without clusters is 60 minutes.
The logical name is restricted to 256 Unicode characters.
To adhere to this restriction, logical names greater than 32 characters are hashed.
The logical path is restricted to 16000 Unicode characters.
The logical path name allows mixed case, but is still case-insensitive.
For example, the period character.
For example, 'com' becomes 'co%6d'.
See Chapter 18 for information on the HashUserHomeDirectories element.
Note that such navigation is not recommended.
Because each catalog object has two files the data file and the.
See Chapter 18 for information on the HashUserHomeDirectories element.
Because a single Unicode character can require as many as 4 bytes, you might be unable to use Windows Explorer with path names of only 500 Unicode characters.
This limitation does not affect Presentation Services.
These inconsistencies can eventually lead to incorrect behavior, such as the inability to edit an agent's recipient list.
You can periodically take the production system offline and validate the catalog, to be informed of and to take corrective action on inconsistencies.
Use the following procedure to perform a basic validation of the catalog.
For information, see Chapter 4 of the.
Failure to do so can result in the removal of all accounts, permissions, and privileges from the catalog.
In this way, you have a version of the file to use as a starting point for subsequent validations.
As part of the process of validating the catalog, you include elements in the instanceconfig.
The following procedure describes how to edit the instanceconfig.
In this example, the validation runs when Presentation Services starts.
Inconsistent accounts for example, deleted userslinks, and objects are removed.
Inconsistent users' home directory names are logged but directories are not removed.
OnStartupAndExit Clean Report Clean Clean Caution: Include only one Catalog element in the instanceconfig.
Table 1-4 Elements for Validating the Catalog Element Description Default Value Validate Performs the validation of the catalog according to the values of the other Validate-related elements in this section.
This value allows re-running of the validation, performing as many cycles of Report and Clean until the catalog is as clean as appropriate.
None ValidateAccounts Verifies that all information about users, roles, and groups in the catalog is consistent.
Values are described in the list after this table.
None ValidateHomes Verifies that all information about home directories in the catalog is consistent.
Values are described in the list after this table.
None ValidateItems Verifies that all information about objects in the catalog is consistent.
Values are described in the list after this table.
None ValidateLinks Verifies that all information about links in the catalog is consistent.
Values are described in the list after this table.
The action elements are contained in a commands element.
The full Java regex syntax is described in the following document:.
The default value is false.
The procedure incorrectly omits the Enabled element.
You must include the Enabled element set to true within the CustomLinks element to display custom links.
Chapter 24, 'Moving Between Environments,' includes mention of the pasteBinary script not being supported with Oracle Business Intelligence installations that were installed on 64-bit operating systems using the Enterprise Installation type.
This lack of support has been lifted and the script can be used in this case.
Therefore, this mention must be removed from the guide.
See Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence for more information.
The description provided is incorrect and should instead state that the parameter is reserved for a future release.
The displayFormat element was incorrectly shown, and the formatSpec element was not included when it should have been.
The cache entries are purged when the repository variable refresh rate is reached, if its value has changed.
For example, suppose an initialization block has been defined with a repository variable and a refresh rate of 5 minutes.
But, no logical column has been defined that references the variable.
When the value of the dynamic repository variable changes, cache is not purged because no logical column exists within a business model that uses the variable.
The old cache entry is not removed immediately, but remains until it is cleaned through the usual caching mechanism.
Doing so will cause Presentations Services to fail to start.
You must disregard the reference to pivot tables in the Applicable Views column for this setting.
Queries run in parallel, so the cumulative query time is equal to or greater than the total time connected to the database.
The caution was confusing and has been removed for the E10543-04 revision.
Chapter 3 did not explain how to configure multiple authentication providers, so a new section 3.
The sample code for updating the element must be modified as follows: false UpdateAndExit 1.
The issue concerns information about adding the properties user.
The guidAttribute is incorrectly shown as containing two letter t's.
You must change it to guidAtribute, with a single letter t, as follows: 1.
Appendix B, Table B-2 'Default Permissions' should have a row for the permission Oracle.
The correct version should read: Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Releases 11.
For more information, see 'Patching Oracle Business Intelligence Systems' in Oracle Fusion Middleware System Administrator's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.
To enable the action type to display in the New Action Link menu, the Administrator must add the ActionLinks setting to the tag as follows: true 1.
For more information about the certification document, see 'System Requirements and Certification'.
The following details should be included: openTreeNode Method Use this method to read the information for a particular strategy or initiative node within a specific scorecard.
There are no known issues at this time.
The options in the Service Management menu are enabled only for direct connections.
Select an account from the WebContent Server.
Enter the name of the author.
If you do not specify an author, then the value defaults to the login name of the user.
Enter comments to include with the document on the WebContent Server.
Enter the name to assign to the file on the server.
Specify True to allow custom metadata to be sent with the document.
Custom metadata is defined in the data model.
Select the security group on the WebContent Server to assign to the report.
Enter a title for the report.
If you do not enter a title, then the Layout name is used as the title.
The description should cross reference to the new section 2.
This statement has been corrected in.
See this book for the latest text.
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These requirements are incorrect and must be ignored. Dell Accidental Damage Service: Accidents happen — Dell can help. Expires in 90 days except where prohibited by law. We have download drivers microsoft office 2007 into issues with Publisher 2007 and Windows 7 64bit machines. The privileges listed in are displayed download drivers microsoft office 2007 the Presentation Services, Manage Privileges page. The workaround is download drivers microsoft office 2007 set the priority of the agent so that it does not match an existing delivery profile. From the pdf it will extract the author, dates, title, journal, doi. For more information, download drivers microsoft office 2007 'Running the Configuration Assistant to Update the Domain' in Oracle Fusion Middleware Upgrade Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence. However, your application may need the 32-bit driver, in which case you have to make sure that the 32-bit driver is before your 64-bit driver in the execution path. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition. The revised paragraph should read as follows: The Choice List Value field located in the 'New Prompt dialog' is set by default to 120 pixels. Refer to for additional information. These warnings should be ignored. If you do not backup and reinstate the file, then it will be replaced with a default file and you will lose your custom JavaScript functions. Note: If you are experiencing security-related issues after upgrading from an earlier release, then also refer to. Open End Sub How do I solve this error or what went wrong with the setup in the first place? Goto Android Section; News; Hot Collections; Reviews; Downloads of android apps today: Category. Now that the merge and publish steps are combined in a single Publish to Network step, you must explicitly check out a project that contains the desired object to add it to the currently open project. Connection pool passwords are encrypted and stored inside the encrypted repository file. The presence of Microsoft Office Live Add-in might cause errors when attempting to install the Template Builder or other unexpected behavior. Doing so might result in undesirable graph behavior or loss of information. Crisp details and vibrant colors shine through as you access videos, photos and more. This happens because the default Microsoft graph engine, which governs these graphs, does not display negative values. In 10 g the bars render from top to bottom, but in 11. This happens because Microsoft does not support scatter graphs with lines. Rather, 32-bit versions of the Oracle Business Intelligence xxx Installer install 32-bit versions of the client tools, while 64-bit versions of the Oracle Business Intelligence xxx Installer install 64-bit versions of the client tools. You may also need to install.